Progress Over Perfection With Lucas Rubix

Progress over Perfection with Lucas Rubix online coaching business

The one thing that is stalling your progress, preventing you from getting more clients, and holding you back from reaching your true potential… is not choosing progress over perfection. I’ll say it again:


It’s true, even I went through the same thing. You are afraid of putting yourself out there online for the world to see if it is not perfect.

But your progress is stalling and you are not getting anywhere.

In this episode of the Coaches Corner Podcast, you will take home a few key points…


  • Understand why perfectionism is your worst enemy so you can start focusing on getting things done
  • Learn why perfectionism is causing your procrastination and move on from being your biggest setback
  • Learn from my mistakes and save yourself years of frustration
  • Realize how to make progress and build momentum that moves you forward


This Wednesday episode is short and easy to digest. In less than 10 minutes you will quickly realize what separates the coaches who succeed in online business from those who don’t so you can join them and start working with more clients, make more money, and build your dream business!


Enjoy The Podcast Coach!


“A little by little becomes a lot” — Tanzanian Proverb



EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Progress Over Perfection

0:10 The one thing that separates coaches who are winning from those who are not

1:02 I wasted years doing this

1:49 What I did and how everything turned around

2:44 One word: Momentum

3:54 Being conscious about your procrastination (based on perfectionism)

5:01 I am still not perfect

5:30 Progress over perfection

7:23 Do what you have been putting off, right now!



If you have enjoyed thise episode and others, please leave us a review HERE!






If you are ready to start taking action (and choose progress over perfection), end all the distraction with step by step mentorship, shave off a good year of trial and error, master the tech side of your online coaching biz, and get personal guidance and coaching so we can put together and launch your online biz over the next few months (and get ya some clients)… check out the details for the Coaches University HERE.

By Application Only!






Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom-filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

Want More Clients? Focus on Connection And Conversation 🔥 (The Three C’s of Coaching)

want more clients... focus on connection and conversation with Lucas rubix Rubkiewicz

The biggest problem we all face is wanting more clients. After all, it is our mission to serve people with our coaching.


Without them… we’ve got nothing.


I am often asked by coaches, “how do I get more clients” and my answer is broken down in today’s episode!


In this episode of the Coaches Corner Podcast, you will take home a few key points…


  • Learn the three C’s of coaching so you can attract more high-quality clients who are willing to pay what you are worth
  • Create long-lasting relationships with your audience so know, like and trust you as a coach and can’t wait to work with you
  • See why most coaches fail to make money online so you can save time, money and energy avoiding their mistakes
  • Become comfortable with the fact that you are in business to make money so you can present your offer with confidence and make more money
  • Take immediate action with some specific homework so you can start enrolling new clients into your coaching programs immediately


This Tuesday episode is short and easy to digest. In just 10 minutes you will know exactly how to start working with more high-quality clients and immediately start making a massive impact on their lives while you continue to grow your online coaching business!


Enjoy The Podcast Coach!


“Your connection to all the things around you literally define who you are” – Aaron D. O’Connell




EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Want More Clients? Focus on Connection And Conversation 🔥 (The Three C’s of Coaching)

0:32 Quick intro on what we’ll be covering inside this episode

1:17 Two of the C words I always preach that will make a dramatic difference in your coaching business

2:17 The disservice that coaches do when they market their online coaching business

3:24 Who this episode is actually for (calling ya out!)

3:59 You can’t have a conversation if you don’t have …

4:27 How to build a connection with your audience

5:01 Storytelling is the heart of marketing

5:43 Put yourself in the shoes of your prospective clients

6:51 We’ve all got problems

7:37 The third C

8:11 You are in business to make money

8:43 Your homework




Also, make sure to swing by and listen to the Podcast episode that completely covers Sales and Marketing Funnels HERE!






If you are ready to start taking action (and are done talking about it), end all the distraction with step by step mentorship, shave off a good year of trial and error, master the tech side of your online coaching biz, and get personal guidance and coaching so we can put together and launch your online biz over the next few months (and get ya some clients)… check out the details for the Coaches University HERE.

By Application Only!






Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom-filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

Choose Your Coaching Business Model (There are FOUR to Pick from)

Choose Your Coaching Business Model (There are FOUR to choose from) with Lucas Rubix Rubkiewicz online coaching business

Just like working with clients in person, there are many different ways you can coach your clients online. You can work with your clients one-on-one, in small groups, in large groups or course, or have a membership site. The way that you choose to structure your coaching business can make or break your online coaching business… which is why it is important to know which coaching business model to use when you are first starting and how to change your coaching business model as you grow!


In this episode of the Coaches Corner Podcast, you will take home a few key points…


  • Learn about the four different business models for your coaching business so that you can find the best fit for you
  • See the advantages and disadvantages of each model so you can see which model is the best place to start
  • Strategically plan how to grow your online coaching business to make sure you make more money, serve more clients, and make more of an impact longterm!
  • Walk around the footsteps of the coaches who do not succeed so you can take the right steps to grow your online empire!


One of the biggest mistakes I made when I first started was using the wrong business model. This episode is specifically recorded to make sure that you do not make the same mistake! Whether you are a new coach or you have been coaching online for a while (but struggle with taking your business to the next level), this episode will simplify the decision on which business model to choose.


Enjoy The Podcast Coach!


“Luck is not a business model” – Anthony Bourdain





EPISODE BREAKDOWN: Choose Your Coaching Business Model (There are FOUR to choose from)


:14 Quick intro on what we’ll be covering inside this episode

1:07 The only way to get something out of this episode

3:17 How to choose the right coaching business model for you

4:21 The 4 different business models for your online coaching business

6:03 What model should you start with

6:34 How to leverage your online coaching business and grow into other models

7:05 The best business model to start with if you are a new coach

8:21 The major advantages to one-on-one coaching

9:08 The downfall to one-on-one coaching

10:05 Growing from one-on-one coaching to a signature small group coaching program

10:44 The major advantage to small group coaching

11:54 Sales will be the most important focus to help you grow your online coaching business

13:17 What comes next

13:43 The major advantage to a massive group coaching program

14:52 What comes after you successfully run a big group coaching program…

15:31 Courses / Program / Membership Site

18:07 The main reason why coaches don’t succeed

19:42 The right way to move from one coaching business model to the next

20:32 Your next step


Also, make sure to swing by and listen to the Podcast episode that completely covers Sales and Marketing Funnels HERE!







If you are ready to start taking action (and are done talking about it), end all the distraction with step by step mentorship, shave off a good year of trial and error, master the tech side of your online coaching biz, and get personal guidance and coaching so we can put together and launch your online biz over the next few months (and get ya some clients)… check out the details for the Coaches University HERE.

By Application Only!






Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom-filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

Lauren Tickner on Business, Branding, and Mastering Social Media

The expectation to go to College/University right after high school is an evolutionary pressure that we all experience. In this week’s episode our guest, Lauren Tickner, is a living example of how going to school and getting a degree is not the only way to build a successful business.

At the age of 22, Lauren has achieved more than others achieve in their entire lifetime. She has been able to build her own empire because of her burning desire to get live her life in the pursuit of freedom!

A few takeaways from this episode are…

  • How to create a desirable brand online so you can stand out from the crowd online
  • Learn the skill of persuasion to get what you want in life
  • Start positioning yourself as an expert in your field so no one ever doubts you based on your age or “experience”
  • Avoid making the mistakes coaches make so you can sell out your coaching (instead of being a sellout)


Remember, following the footsteps of those who are average, will only end to the same destination. Whether you are just starting or you have been running your coaching business for a while, this episode will help you separate yourself from the pack and go after the freedom you have always dreamt of!


Enjoy The Podcast Coach!


“Age is an issue of  mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” – Mark Twain





Episode Breakdown: Lauren Tickner on Business, Branding, and Mastering Social Media


:20 quick intro on what we’ll be covering inside this episode

4:23 Where is the most attention on social media

6:10 About Lauren Tickner and her background in business

8:13 What does Freedom mean to Lauren Tickner??

10:32 Doing things that you don’t want to do to get to where you want to go

11:41 What drives you as a 22-year-old to be as driven as you are

14:05 Taking advantage of what we already have

15:04 The push to go to University and live up to expectations

17:28 The skill of positioning and persuading with Lauren Tickner

19:09 Learning from the most successful entrepreneurs in the world

20:18 Storytelling is the real secret to connecting with your audience

22:44 Using feelings and emotions to relate to your audience

23:17 The framework to creating a story on Instagram

24:10 Why people fail when they try to create a platform online

25:24 Start. Post it anyway and instantly find a way to make it better next time

26:30 One thing to do right now

28:22 Why should I call myself an expert when people tell me I don’t have enough experience

33:16 Stepping into uncomfortable situations to grow

34:28 How to cope with being intimidated by influencers

35:46 What is your definition of branding

38:19 Why do some people become billionaires and others struggle with sales

41:54 Build the mindset for being an entrepreneur

42:51 Being aware of yourself and knowing your own weaknesses

44:23 What is your one golden piece of advice that you would tell your younger self given where you are now?

47:27 Where is the best place for people to find Lauren


Make sure to swing by and follow Lauren Tickner on Instagram HERE!







Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

The Only 4 Coaching Business Numbers You Need To Know

The Only 4 Numbers you need to know in your coaching business with Lucas Rubix Lucas Rubikiewicz online coaching business

I know numbers can be boring… but not only are they essential (the success of your coaching business literally rests on knowing your numbers), they can be really simple too! In today’s podcast episode we’ll be diving into the only 4 numbers you need to know inside your coaching business, what they mean, and how to track them! We’ll be diving into….


  • LEADS: Track the number of leads, cost per lead and quality of leads.
  • CALLS Track the number of calls, cost be call and quality of prospects.
  • CLIENTS How many turn into clients and what do they buy?
  • SALES: TOTAL amount of sales (this includes coaching programs and courses)


If you’re just starting your coaching business, don’t worry, these numbers are still important for you (even if you have yet to make a sale) as they can be used as a road map to see if you’re on track. Either way, if you’re just starting your coaching business or you’ve been at this for a while, knowing your numbers is VITAL for building a coaching business that predictable and profitable!




“You have to be ODD to be number ONE” – Dr. Seuss.





Episode Breakdown: The Only 4 Coaching Business Numbers You Need To Know



0:24: Welcome to the Podcast Coach! We’re all Artists!

1:02: WooHoo! All about numbers (are they your weakness?)

2:37: Why knowing your numbers is so important for your coaching business

4:16: Leads, Calls, Clients and Sales. That’s it.

6:12: First Number: How many LEADS are you getting per month?

9:02: Second Number: How many CALLS are you getting on per month?

12:06: Third Numer: How many CLIENTS said YES!

14:15: Fourth Number: Total amount of SALES

16:47: Notes about average numbers (and how to use them)

28:54: Final notes (Check out the Coaches University HERE)








Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

How To Write Your Client Attracting Coaching Business Mission Statement with Lucas Rubix

How To Write Your Client Attracting Coaching Business Mission Statement with Lucas Rubix

Hey Coach, welcome welcome welcome to yet another value packed Coaches Corner Podcast episode! Although learning about and implementing things like landing pages, sales pages and webinars is important for growing an online coaching business (and we talk about perfecting them A LOT on our podcast)… there are some foundational pieces that must be in place if we’re to really build a business that truly makes an impact. One of those foundational pieces is created a strong coaching business mission statement (and dialling in your vision while you’re at it)


In this episode, we’ll not only be talking about why a coaching business mission statement is important, but we’ll also dive into how to create a vision and mission statement for your coaching business, as well as some examples and exercises to get you started. Before we get too deep into it, let’s just cover some basics first:





What is a vision statement? Think of your vision as the ultimate destination. If everything worked out just perfect over the next 10 years, where would you be and what would you be doing? In a nutshell, the vision is really all about where you want to go and the change you want to make. Your vision statement could be about you and your quest, or it could be about envisioning what the world could be like if you could carry out your mission (more about that in a second). For example, my vision is to make available to passionate coaches the most trusted, value packed, and results driven business building recourses and mentoring available with just a few mouse clicks. Your vision could be to see a world where every single human being finds true peace and happiness regardless of their external situation, or a work environment where management fully steps into their power and chooses to lead their team by example in order to create a stronger, happier and more efficient workplace. Or it could be a vision of creating the number one resource for busy moms looking for a better way to get back in shape (and stay that way).


And if you really really want to make a massive impact on the world, you can take your vision and mix it with your mission to come up with your world changing mission statement.


What is a Mission statement? Why are you doing all of this in the first place? What’s the real reason you chose not to listen to what your friends and family had to say and instead chose to venture down this whole bumpy entrepreneurial road. What do we need to do and create in order to make our vision a reality? When you actually take some time to craft your coaching business mission statement, it’ll not only serve as a source of incredible motivation for you in your darkest times (hey, you’re in business, it’s to be expected), but it’ll naturally attract attention from anyone who comes across it.


Remember this: We love to follow and we’re naturally attracted to those with a massive vision for the world… but the only reason we actually listen to them and take them seriously is because they are actually taking action to making it happen. In other words, they have a mission, and they’re taking the steps necessary to make that vision a reality.


SO, if you’re ready to craft your client attracting coaching business mission statement, tune in and join us on this weeks episode on both iTunes and Soundcloud below! (and reach out on Instagram if you have any questions!)






Episode Breakdown: How To Write Your Own Coaching Business Mission Statement with Lucas Rubix



1:04: The Coaches Corner Podcast Introduction and opening notes

2:02: Why you need to focus on MAKING MONEY

4:17: What is your Vision for the world (and your business)?

5:16: The two reasons why having a vision is uber important!

6:22: What is a coaching business mission statement (and why?)

9:47: Consistency living out your vision and mission

12:06: We’re attracted to people with a VISION for the world

14:15: The Coaches Corner Vision and Mission Statement

16:47: Put your people first!

18:24: Where to ‘promote’ your vision and mission statement

21:00 Shameless ‘Coaches University‘ Plug (lol)






Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion fuelled, freedom filled, money making online coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, 3 BIGGEST MISTAKES COACHES MAKE and HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MARKET YOUR ONLINE COACHING BUSINESS. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

3 Big Mistakes Most Coaches Are Making That Could Be Crippling Your Business (and How To Fix Them)

Social Media Marketing for Online Coaches with Lucas Rubix lucasrubix online coaching business

WooHoo! Welcome back to yet another episode of the Coaches Corner Podcast. Today we’re getting straight to the point and dropping value bombs on helping you fix the 3 big mistakes most coaches are making when it comes to growing their coaching businesses. Come listen and join us on this weeks episode on both iTunes and Soundcloud below! (and reach out on Instagram if you have any questions)






Episode Breakdown: 3 Big Mistakes Most Coaches Are Making (and How To Fix Them)



2:44: This episode is going to be short, to the point and focused on helping you take ACTION!

3:52: If you could take just ONE ACTION and overcome ONE SMALL OBSTACLE every single day… you will be successful!

4:47: Really focus on getting HELP from someone who’s been there, done that!

6:16: Mistakes Most Coaches are Making Number One: Focusing their time and energy on all the wrong things!

7:25: Don’t worry about your website, branding or social media right off the bat!

8:47: Focus on a) Your Marketing Message, b) Building Your Email List and c) Get Into More Conversations (Sales Funnel)

13:06: Mistakes Most Coaches are Making Mistake Number Two: Doing what everyone else is doing… and finding it hard to stand out.

14:15: What got ya here won’t get ya there. Stay in your own lane and build YOUR OWN business.

15:47: When you copy others… you’ll start competing with everyone else on things like price and features (you don’t want that)

20:24: Mistakes Most Coaches are Making Mistake Number Three: Selling their programs way to cheap

21:42: We relate the PRICE of something with the VALUE it gives

24:01: Increasing your price is more important for your clients results than you think!

26:11: Ready to level things up? Join the Coaches University and let’s build your dream coaching business!







Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom.

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!




PS – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, BECOME AN EXPERT COACH and BUILD A 10K A MONTH COACHING BIZ. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!


For Coaches: How To Make Money While Traveling The World – Digital Nomad Secrets

Ricky Shetty from Daddy Blogger with Lucas Rubix talking about How To Make Money While Traveling The World - Digital Nomad Secrets

Welcome to a special, value-filled episode with a special guest and good friend of mine, Ricky Shetty! In this episode, we’re diving into the world of a true ‘digital nomad’ and covering not only how to make money while traveling the world but what running a location independent coaching business, raising 3 kids and traveling around the globe really looks like.


We’ll be talking about online business building topics ranging from how to create location independent income through not only coaching but passive income streams, how to create amazing content and re-purpose it through multiple channels, how to deal with horrible wifi (no thank you), the importance of finding your way and staying on mission as well as podcasting, networking and strategies on attracting your ideal clients!


About Ricky: Ricky Shetty is the owner and operator of Daddy Blogger (learn more about Ricky on his website), where he writes about parenting from a father’s perspective with a big emphasis on family travel with young kids. Currently, Ricky and his family are traveling around the world as part of their  #DaddyBloggerWorldTour visiting Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Central America. Ricky has been to 81 countries on 6 continents and his big goal is to be the FIRST FAMILY to visit every single country in the world. Ricky is an Internet Marketer, Digital Nomad, and passionate husband and father of 3 young kids.



Some stats about the movement Ricky’s started:


  • 10,000+ Blog Readers/Month on
  • 100,000+ Social Media Followers (combined across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, etc)
  • 5,000,000+ YouTube Views & 8,000 YouTube Subscribers
  • 500+ Podcast Interviews
  • 200+ Media Appearances (CNN, Huffington Post, CTV, Global TV, MacLeans, Globe and Mail, National Post, The Vancouver Sun, The Province – Front Page including being a guest on 100+ Podcasts )


Learn more about Ricky at Daddy Blogger








Ready to learn how to make money while traveling the world? Join Ricky and I as we dive into the ‘behind the scenes’ of a living, breathing digital nomad! Enjoy the episode and feel free to reach out on Instagram if you’d like to connect or leave any feedback/comments!


— Lucas



Episode Breakdown (For Coaches): How To Make Money While Traveling The World – Digital Nomad Secrets with Ricky Shetty!



3:38: Who is Ricky Shetty… and what does he do?

6:22: Filming One Episode a day on the Digital Nomad Mastery Podcast

10:17: Favourite Country visited to date ( out of 81 😮 )

12:06: How do you make money while traveling the world, and how did it all start?

15:25: Why did you decide to pack it all in, grab the family and travel the world?

20:17: People don’t care what you do, they care why you do it!

23:36: How do you do it… Traveling the world with 3 kids?

29:25: Seriously, how do you deal with horrible wifi?

34:47: There is always a solution to every problem… find the way!

37:44: What are your Top 3 sources for lead generation?

39:32: How to strategically re-propose content to build a content creating machine

43:01: The importance of showing up every single day with ENERGY!

49:11: What’s next for Ricky Shetty, the family and the business?

54:23: Serving and Selling! Ricky’s #1 Tip for dominating life and business!







Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses in 90 days or less.

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom.

Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!

How To Create, Price and Sell Your High Ticket Coaching Program

Lucas rubix Lucasrubix Rubkiewicz on the coaches corner podcast about high ticket coaching programs
Welcome back Coach! I’m so so excited that you’re here as this week’s episode is all about creating, pricing and selling High Ticket coaching programs… but with that comes a little warning chat I want to have first. High Ticket = High value = Huge Results… like life-changing results. I don’t recommend just increasing your prices so you can be ‘high-ticket’ or so you can just make more money. The only reason why you should have high-value coaching programs is to deliver huge results for your coaching clients, period. Not only will you start attracting high-quality clients into your coaching business (no more dabblers or part-timers) but you’ll also enjoy working with fewer people, which gives you time to actually focus on your clients and deliver huge results! These days there’s so much high-ticket talk online out there that I thought dropping an episode to help clear the air and settle any confusion was in order… so the big goal of this episode is to help you (the expert coach) develop your high ticket / high-value coaching programs so you can work with fewer people and deliver greater results! Other recommended podcasts to help you with creating your high ticket programs would be DIAL IN YOUR CLIENT AVATAR, BECOME AN EXPERT COACH and BUILD A 10K A MONTH COACHING BIZ. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction! There are really 4 Rules that I help my clients establish when they’re creating their high ticket offers. follow these rules and the selling part actually becomes quite easy: RULE #1: THE VALUE FROM THE PROGRAM MUST BE 10X (at least) THE COST RULE #2: YOU MUST LEARN TO CLEARLY ARTICULATE THE VALUE YOU PROVIDE RULE #3: ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU’RE NOT SELLING COACHING… YOUR SELLING RESULTS RULE #4: YOU MUST BE 100% CONFIDENT IN YOUR PROGRAM (or you’ll never sell it) So, with those 4 rules in mind, let’s tackle this whole high ticket program idea, and let’s see how you can create, price, sell, and implement a high ticket coaching offer into your coaching business! Enjoy the episode and feel free to reach out on Instagram if you’d like to connect or leave any feedback / comments! — Lucas

Episode Breakdown: How To Create, Price and Sell Your High Ticket Coaching Program

2:31: Creating, pricing and selling your high ticket offers will totally change your coaching business 3:22: High Ticket equals High Value equals Huge Results 4:47: Rule #1: The value inside your program must exceed the cost by 10X 5:56: Rule #2: Learn how to clearly articulate the value you provide! (Crystal Clear) 6:25: Rule #3: Always remember you’re selling a RESULT… you’re not selling a coaching program 8:47: Rule #4: You must be 100% Confident with your program (or you’ll never sell it) 10:36: Let’s crush 4 of the biggest negative beliefs when it comes to selling high ticket programs 14:25: Can you only sell high ticket coaching programs in the money-making space? 15:47: Why did I move into the online ‘business’ coaching space… (wasn’t just for the money) 17:44: How to package your high ticket coaching program 18:32: What are you the BEST of the best in the world at!? 20:01: How to Price your high-ticket coaching programs the Right Way 23:11: How to actually ‘sell’ your coaching program the easy way… without pushing 26:23: The average income for an online coach is under 12,000 a year… I’m here to change that!

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Listen To This If You're Doubting Your Coaching Business with Lucas Rubix helping you build an online coaching business
THE COACHES UNIVERSITY: The Only ‘Stay Until You Get Paid’ Coaching Program Out There. While most programs out there are a 2 – 3 month ‘teach you some stuff’ kinda deal, we’re not. Once you join us inside the Coaches University you’ll get the coaching, community, and support you need until you sell $10,000 of coaching. Period. If you’re looking to join a serious program and a tight-knit community of coaches, this is most definitely for you.
Listen To This If You're Doubting Your Coaching Business with Lucas Rubix helping you build an online coaching business
Lucas Rubix is the intense-looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion-fuelled, freedom-filled, money-making online coaching businesses (as long as you’re not afraid of some work). Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner Podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT) Visit and get full access to the Online Coaching Business Crash Course, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams! P.S. – Other recommended podcasts to help move your online coaching business forward are BUILDING YOUR EMPIRE WITH ELENA CARDONE, EVAN CARMICHAEL ON UNTAPPING HUMAN POTENTIAL AND SERVING THE WORLD, and ROBERT GREENE ON THE LAWS OF HUMAN NATURE. Make sure you give them a listen if you’re looking for even more direction!

Jason Capital on How Coaches Can Attract More Clients Through Mastering ‘High Status’

Jason Capital on becoming high status for coaches with Lucas Rubix from the coaches corner

Welcome back to a very special episode with a very very special guest, Jason Capital! In this episode, we’ll be talking about the idea of ‘high status’ and how you can use some basic ‘high status’ principles to help you build your online coaching business quicker, attract more perfect clients into your coaching business and find more clarity, purpose and drive than ever before!


I first came into contact with Jason Capital at Bedros Keuilian’s (you can listen to Bedros’ episode HERE) event in San Diego years ago. As Jason was speaking on stage I couldn’t help but notice one thing: He had something special about him… a way of moving and talking that made it hard to not want to listen… and that’s when I decided to make it my business to find out who this Jason Capital guy really was.


Jason’s book, Higher Status, goes on to break down what he calls the ’12 Honest Signals’ that all High-Status individuals have. We’ll be chatting about 3 that are,  in my opinion, the top signals that any coach, entrepreneur or human being could adapt to their life to start seeing some dramatic changes. They are:


  1. High Status DESTINY
  2. High Status Body Language
  3. High Status Voice
  4. High Status Eye Contact
  5. High Status Walk
  6. High Status State Control
  7. High Status Carefreeness
  8. High Status Truth
  9. High Status Rapport Control
  10. High Status Charisma
  11. High Status Style
  12. High Status Environment



That being said, I’ll step aside and let the podcast do its thing! Enjoy the episode and feel free to reach out on Instagram if you have any questions, insight or feedback you’d love to share!



About Jason: Jason Capital is founder and chairman of Capital Research International. For eleven years, he has served as coach and consultant to Fortune 500 executives, professional athletes, Navy SEALs, best-selling authors, and Hollywood luminaries. He has been recognized as a Top 100 Entrepreneur by President Barack Obama. Get inspired and Learn more about Jason over at Capital’s Instagram HERE


Also available on Spotify HERE!


Episode Breakdown: Jason Capital on How Coaches Can Attract More Clients Through ‘High Status’


4:47: Who is Jason Capital and where does he come from? The In-Depth Story

8:12: The BLUE PILL or the RED PILL?

9:27: How Elliott Hulse (check out Elliott’s Episode HERE)  influenced Jason to become an entrepreneur

12:22: How much has internet marketing changed over the last 10 years?

17:42: The Fall of Jason Capital… and how comfort can kill ya

24:21: The importance of opening up to pain and taking it allllll in! (Plus the story of Kirby’s Sword)

32:10: High Status Destiny, and how coaches MUST have a mission!

35:24: High Status Body Language and how to crush SALES

42:03: High Status State Control and doing the work no matter what.

44:41: Jason Capitals 3 morning rituals

48:40: What’s next for Jason Capital and where can we find ya?

Light up your life and shine with Monique Evette-Moore with Lucas Rubix helping you build an online coaching business

Lucas Rubix is the intense-looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow a passion-fuelled, freedom-filled, money-making online coaching businesses (as long as you’re not afraid of some work).

Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers, and celebrities on the Coaches Corner Podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most importantly, creates true freedom (for both COACH and CLIENT)

Visit and get full access into the Online Coaching Business Crash Course, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix

And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) learn about the three ways you can work together HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!

Light up your life and shine with Monique Evette-Moore with Lucas Rubix helping you build an online coaching business

THE COACHES UNIVERSITY: The Only ‘Stay Until You Get Paid’ Coaching Program Out There. While most programs out there are a 2 – 3 month ‘teach you some stuff’ kinda deal, we’re not. Once you join us inside the Coaches University you’ll get the coaching, community, and support you need until you sell $10,000 of coaching. Period. If you’re looking to join a serious program and a tight-knit community of coaches, this is most definitely for you.