5 simple ways to build your email list!

5 simple ways to build your email list with lucas rubix rubkiewicz the coaches coach

Alrighty alrighty! A few days ago I launched a poll on instagram asking followers the number one thing they struggle with other than simply ‘needing more clients’… and the results pointed to building an email list! Although building an email list shouldn’t be your only focus (remember my 360 degree marketing plan?) it should absolutely be high on your priority list… as all the content you create should be pointing back to your list building efforts. So in this weeks blog post we’ll be diving into 5 simple ways to help you build your email list… whether you already have a list or are in the process of building one.


Quick note: I won’t be covering the whole ‘lead magnet’ topic as I’ve covered it in tons of videos and posts in the past. If you’d like some free in-depth training on how to put your email building, lead generating client attracting marketing plan in place then join the 60 minute masterclass HERE!



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5 simple ways to help you build your email list!



1) Optimize your website for more opt-ins!

I spend a lot of time checking out coaches websites and pretty much always see the same thing: A website that looks amazing but has absolutly zero functionality… meaning that it’s laid out to look good… but doesn’t persuade visitors to take any sort of action. If that describes your current website then here’s a simple tip: Build your website with one thing in mind – How can I guide visitors to enter their email address for something of incredible value. DO NOT simply have a ‘subscribe to my newsletter here’ button… put some effort into it! Think about what problem can you help your ideal visitors solve and then give it away for FREE!



2) Ask your current email subscribers to share and forward your emails!

So this will obviously only work if you already have a list… but it’s often times ignored. If you do have a list, even if you only have a handful of subscribers, create a value packed email that evokes so much emotion and appreciation that your readers will be buzzing with inspiration after reading. Then simply ASK THEM (you need to ask) to forward the email with 3 people they know could use a helping hand (and don’t forget to have a link in the email to your freebie so new readers can opt-in!) It’s a simple, often times overlooked way to build your email list through referrals!


Quick note: If you’re struggling with coming up with useful content ideas… check out THIS BLOG POST packed with value on how to come up with 100’s of solid content ideas that your people will actually want to consume!



3) Leverage business cards / print material

Yes, it works! I remember starting my first personal training business and collecting every single coaches business card I could so I could make sure mine was better. By then I was quite savvy with online marketing and was amazed at how few coaches leveraged their business cards to build their lists. No one who looks at your business card cares about how amazing you are… they want to know what’s in it for them. Why not create a business card that offers up some tremendous value (either a free consult, % off, free download), stick in a call to action (go to www.yourwebsite.com/amazingoffer) and capture their email info before that useless little card ends up in the trash…



4) Giveaways!

Who doesn’t love an amazing giveaway! Brainstorm a list of things you could giveaway… including a free coaching session, or a program / product you may have, or 5 top books… you get the idea. Promote across your social media channels and have contestants enter their email address… and give double points if they like and share with their friends on social media! You’d be amazed at how fast you can build your email list when you put up an enticing enough free giveaway with teh right message to the right people!



5) Hold a live event!

No no, don’t stress out! You don’t need to speak in-front of 100’s of people and launch a 3 day mega event… start much smaller than that! Host a small , 2 hour free event, invite 15 or 20 people and offer up tremendous value. Or go into a few offices and offer up a lunch-in training session… and make sure you offer up more value in the form of an opt-in to your attendees! Hand out a small workbook or brochure that encourages them to check out your website, your offers and everything else you have to give!


Hope that helps!


Now get out there and build that email list baby!!!!





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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g8ShtW6VJI[/embedyt]


Create Your Perfect Client Avatar Once And For All with Lucas Rubix

Create Your Perfect Client Avatar Once And For All With Lucas Rubix lucasrubix online coaching business

In this weeks episode of the Coaches Corner, we’ll be tackling what should be the foundation of your entire coaching business: Your Client Avatar. If you want to reach your potential clients in a meaningful way you’re going to have to know your customers and clients like the back of your hand. By asking yourself and answering a few key questions you’ll be well on your way to taking your coaching business to the next level!


So for today’s coaching session we’ll be diving in deep and giving you actionable steps you can take to create the perfect client avatar so you can create more impactful content, speak to your audience in a direct and clear way and ultimately get more clients because of it! Knowing your client avatar will help you create stronger content, more compelling copy, better sales pages, higher-value products, and more engaging social media posts!


Enjoy and feel free to reach out on Instagram if you have any questions, or check out tons of other episodes over at www.LucasRubix.com/Podcast





The Perfect Client Avatar Episode Breakdown:


1:46: so WHY create a client avatar?

3:21: The importance of getting specific!

5:12: Where does your Avatar Hang out?

6:42: What are their goals / dreams / ambitions

7:50: What keeps them up at night / What are they terrified of?

8:42: What really pisses them off?

9:42: What do they secretly desire?

12:50: Niche down online. Target target target!






Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense-looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses.


Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit www.LucasRubix.com and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix


And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!



How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps

how to create your client avatar in 4 simple steps with Lucas Rubkiw Rubkiewicz the coaches corner

What’s up Coach! It’s a new week and a new blog post (plus an in-depth video HERE) to go along with it! This week we’re talking about How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps so you can finally, once and for all, know who you’re talking to, speak their language, knows their pains, solve their issues and build a booming coaching business because of it!


PS – I create videos based on the questions and feedback I get asked off of Instagram. Would you love to get some burning questions about building your coaching business of yours answered? Hit me up on Instagram!



How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps:


So I’m breaking things down into 4 simple steps that won’t do absolutely ANYTHING for you if you don’t take action on them today. Even if you think you know your client avatar like the back of your hand I still recommend you try jotting down some notes… cuz hey… you can always learn something new! (I do client avatar work a few times a year and review them weekly so my message stays on point)


One last final note: I highly suggest you jot down your answers on individual post-its or 3×5 cards so you can shuffle and re-arange in order of importance to use later when crafting headlines, emails content and sales pages!


So without further a due, here we go!



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  • What do they want more than anything else?


  • What are  their dreams and desires?


  • What’s that one big wish that they’d give up almost anything to have granted?


Answering these questions in detail is important for not only creating solutions (aka products / programs) for your ideal clients but for painting the picture about what life could be like if they’d only take the leap of faith with you! (aka work with you!)





  • What do they fear the most?


  • What makes their stomach go into gut wrenching knots?


  • What do they stay up all night worrying about?


Answering these fear based questions will help you speak to their fears (not in a manipulative way) so you can influence them to take some sort of action, whether that’s to hit the nice big juicy buy now button or some CTA on your content / posts!





  • What are their biggest pain points? Write down a long list!


  • What challenges are they facing RIGHT NOW that are keeping them from getting what they want?


  • What internal blocks are they facing?


  • What external blocks are they facing?


Knowing both your ideal clients pain points and challenges is important in speaking directly towards them and getting an emotional response (because, at the end of the day, people buy based on emotion and not logic).




  • What are all the possible reasons they may not buy from you?


  • Why haven’t they done something about their problem  it already? (or did they try but failed… which would be a a possible objection to what you have to offer)


Here’s where anxiety reducing testimonials really come in handy! If you don’t have any then don’t worry – for now you could creating an awesome FAQ section that handles all possible objections… and as you slowly start focusing on capturing testimonials you can highlight key points is they serve to help reduce buyer resistance and handle their objections to working with you!



So there ya have it! Make sure you watch the full 6 minute video on the New and Official Youtube Channel HERE to dive even further into creating your client avatar in 4 simple steps!


Any questions you may have don’t hesitate to reach out on Instagram or Facebook or learn more on the offical blog HERE


Chat next week,





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What is the Value Ladder and why you NEED to implement it into your Business!

How to use the value ladder in your coaching business with Lucas Rubix Lucas Rubkiewicz coaching business ninja

What is upppp Coach! Today I want to cover another super important concept that, if implemented, will help you serve more clients and bring in more cash! Even if you’ve heard about the ‘value ladder’ before, I challenge you to watch this video and see how you can implement a few of these concepts into YOUR business! Check out the new Coaches Corner Youtube Channel for more the entire video HERE!



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Yes, you can implement a ‘value ladder’ into ANY business.


Whether you’re selling products or services.

Whether your business is offline or online.

Whether you’re a coach, consultant or you’re packaging up your expertise and selling it as an online course.


It’s literally your duty, as a coach, to serve your potential clients in the best way you know how! By  applying the value ladder you’ll successfully find ways to serve your customers / clients in more ways! (and make more money because of it)


I’ll give you a simple examples. First example we’ll pretend you’re a health coach. As a health coach you may have a FREE CONSULTATION or DISCOVERY SESSION and a 12 WEEK health makeover program for $1200.


I’m also guessing you’re not as busy as you could be :D. You end up spending a lot of time doing free consults and little time getting paid for your expertise.


What if you created a funnel that looked a little more like:


  2. 10 DAY GUIDE: $10


The higher up the value ladder (or lower down the funnel) they go the more they get. They get more value and more of your time!


Watch the full value ladder video HERE and see how YOU can apply a few more tiers of products / services into your business so you can unleash your businesses FULL POTENTIAL and help customers / clients who may not be able to afford your high end service right now but would like to invest $97 for you (over deliver and you can up-sell them and move them up your ladder)


You can apply this to ANY business you’re in. If you’re selling products then fill the gaps and help your customers up the ladder into your premium services. If you provide services then craft entry level services so clients / customers can get a taste of you and how amazing you are… and then move them up the ladder!


Hope this helps! If you have any questions reach out on Instagram or the Facebook Page and ask away!



Your Coach,



Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry…  he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping coaches build, launch and grow their successful coaching business. Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit www.LucasRubix.com and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix


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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=iT-LrweBaxU[/embedyt]

How To Get More Online Clients CONSISTENTLY

How To get more online clients with Lucas rubix LucasRubix Rubkiewicz the coaches coach the coaches corner

I love the internet. I thought I’d just get that out of the way before we dive deep into the step by step breakdown of how to get more online clients and fill your coaching business friggin’ full. I love the internet because, to me, it screams freedom. Freedom for you, the business owner, to work from wherever you want and leverage your time but also freedom for your clients who get much more personalized, flexible and results focused coaching.


It doesn’t matter if you’re a fitness coach, a life coach, a sales training coach or a writing coach – the process for getting clients online is the exact same. In this blog post I’m going to not only break down the step by step game plan for generating leads on autopilot and turning them into high paying clients BUT I’m gunna give you actionable steps so you can take your coaching business to the next level. Oh, and by the way, this system works for attracting clients not only into your online business but into your brick and motor coaching business as well!


AND, if you want to join an -in-depth hour long masterclass where we dive into even greater detail and spill ALL THE BEANS on main this whole thing work then make sure to reserve your seat HERE and change your business (and life) forever!


The step by step game plan on how to get more online clients consistently (on autopilot)




Obvious right? But not so fast!


95% of the time, when I sit down with coaches, they’re not specific enough on exactly who they want to serve. For example, I could brand myself as a generic business coach or a lead generating specialist but that be throwing the net way to wide. The conventional way of thinking would be that the wider you go and the larger demographic you target the more potential clients you’ll be able to attract.




If you try to work with everyone you’ll end up working with no-one. I choose to specialize in helping passionate coaches (the passionate part is extremely important) build an online sales funnel to attract high quality clients. Although I do have retail stores, clothing brands and service based providers like electricians reach out to me asking for help, I only focus on helping coaches.




Because not only is it where my heart and soul want to be – you can’t be the BEST at everything. Get really good at delivering specific results for a specific type of person and you’ll not only become the go to expert but your messaging will be much more specific and you’ll end up getting A LOT more attention with your marketing. Focus on creating a specific message to a specific audience.





So now you know exactly who you want to serve and the specific results (and messaging) you want to put infant of them. Now, since nothing in this life is free (not even getting clients) you need to offer up something of extreme value for free to start a relationship with your ideal clients.


Most coaches and businesses in general fail with this critical step. They create a freebie that’s just not specific or enticing enough for their target audience to take action on. DON’T BE AFRAID to give away everything. I mean let it all hang out. You’ve been put on this earth to change peoples lives – so do just that!


This could be in the form of a downloadable pdf, a checklist, cheatsheet, video course, webinar (etc) – truth is, how you choose to deliver it is less important than the quality and results that your lead magnet provides. Nail this critical step and you’ll have leads rolling in through the door all day every day baby!




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So leads are coming in through the door and your slowly building your email list. Stop trying to hard sell everyone and focus on warming up your cold leads until they turn sizzling hot! Here’s where your 360 degree marketing really takes effect (learn more about the 360 degree marketing concept HERE)


Send valuable and relevant content to your people via your email list, blog posts, social media and anywhere else that you choose to create content. It’s not like you have to spend all day creating content and adding value – but put an hour aside a few times a week and create content that helps out your peeps! I’ll jump on Instagram and add a few value bombs, I’ll take the best of the best and shoot an email newsletter out or I’ll throw up a video or two a week on Facebook to keep engaged with my people and add value to their businesses.


I suggest you Do The Same. Once you’ve build a relationship you can simply….






That’s it. You’re not selling anything. You’re not pushing anything. You’re simply inviting your potential clients into a conversation to not only make sure you’re a good fit for them but to make sure they are a good fit for you.


Seriously. You’ll be able to pick and choose who you want to work with when you create a sales and marketing funnel that attracts your ideal clients, builds trust and authority and brings qualified and interested prospects to a Free Strategy Call booking Page (LIKE THIS) where you can have a conversation and start working with your ideal clients.


I know, I know. Sounds easier said then done. Put an hour aside, mark ‘business development’ in your calendar and join the free masterclass here where I literally break down each step into further detail and spill all the beans on what it takes to build a predictable and successful online coaching business from the ground up! I’m laying out the exact steps that my clients and I take to enroll amazing new clients each and every single day!!!


And if you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to reach out on Instagram and ask away!


Here’s to wifi, strong coffee and building the business of your dreams!






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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_U3AcaVY6Y[/embedyt]


Do What You Love (And do it big) With Jay Ferruggia

jay ferruggia and Lucas Rubix coaches Corner

Welcome back to another episode Coach! Jay Ferruggia is in the house today talking about the importance of building a business around doing what you love, the 80 / 20 rule, simplicity being the key to your success and the importance of constantly staying focused on developing yourself personally.


Jay Ferruggia has been helping guys become the strongest version of themselves since 1994. You’ll find his work in Men’s Health, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Fast Company, Huffington Post, LiveStrong, Muscle & Fitness Hers, Shape, Entrepreneur, Details or on ESPN or CBS. His core belief is that Simplicity is the key to health, wealth and happiness and learning to apply the 80/20 rule to everything and forgetting the rest because the reality is that most things just don’t matter. It’s useless noise and meaningless nonsense that distracts us from living the lives we truly want.




Jay Ferruggia Episode Breakdown:


2:21: Who Is Jay Ferruggia?

4:31: Create a home (aka a third place) for your clients

6:21: Breaking out of the shy, insecure shell

7:51: Why personal development is key to your success!

10:04: Sacrificing NOW for LATER

13:40: What was the biggest personal challenge you’ve overcome

16:10: Learn to say NO (and the 80 / 20 rule)

18:01: Content Marketing and teamwork

22:03: Put in the hard work and do it all yourself at first






Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses.


Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit www.LucasRubix.com and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix


And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!



Your Coaching Biz Success Strategy: Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond

Your Coaching Biz Success Strategy: Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond

Welcome to the Coaches Corner Blog (A corner of the internet solely created to help coaches grow their businesses!) If you’re a coach who’s hungry for practical, relevant and actionable strategies to help you build that dream business of yours (no matter where you may be right now) then you just found the best place on the internet to help you build that biz and create true freedom. Today we’re talking about a simple strategy that’s guaranteed to help you stand out and get noticed. The concept is simple: Be a Big Fish in a Small Pond.


The internet is extremly crowded and one of the largest, noisiest and most competitive ‘pools’ out there. There are sharks who’ve been in the game longer than you, have larger teams than you, have more money than you and can out spend you and out market you all day long.


What are us small fish to do? I’ll break the answer into two parts for ya! (and if you have more questions or what to connect then don’t hesitate to reach out on Instagram and say HI!)


PART ONE: Be a big fish in a small pond.


First we ignore our egos and swim into a smaller pool until we’re big enough to move into a bigger pool, and we continue to grow and move until we can compete and win against the biggest and baddest fish. What I’m talking about is, of course, joining or carving out a smaller niche with less competition (for now at least) and completely owning that space. Most coaches (both online and in person) are doing the exact opposite. They’re entering larger markets because there’s more potential customers, clients and dollars but end up frustrated because they get lost in all the noise. Focus on being a big fish in a small pond.


Ask yourself what business you’re in right now. Maybe you’re a personal trainer or health coach specializing in getting guys 6 pack abs, maybe you’re a life coach helping frustrated employees make a transition into a new career or maybe you’re a copywriter providing both coaching and done for you services. Now have a realistic look at the size of pool you’re in and if you’re a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond.


If you’re a small fish then niche down. Get more specific on who your ideal customer / client is and commit to only working with them. Adjust all your marketing and content to ONLY speak to that specific person. For example, instead of me offering general ‘business coaching’ I niche down to strictly coaches. I further niche down to helping Passionate Coaches (yes, having a passion for what you do and a burning desire to help others is a prerequisite) create entire online businesses and winning lead generating funnels in 3 months or less.


If I simply offered ‘business coaching’ then I’d be up against guys like Tony Robbins (move aside Tony, Lukies coming for ya!) who have deeper pockets and a deeper customer base than I currently have. It’s very very possible to create a 6  and 7 figure business by aggressively niching down and starting later targeted, then expanding as your list and reach grows.


“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” – Seth Godin




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PART TWO: Stand out by being YOU.


Leverage yourself and who you are.


I spend a lot of time helping coaches develop and build their personal brands. No one’s got what you got – and ultimately those things that make you different (that we often times try to hide) are the exact things that will help you stand out and attract the clients / customers you want.


Inject your personality into every single piece of content you create. Don’t be afraid to stand out and do things differently than what everyone else is doing. If you’re weird (and who isn’t) then be weird! Share your imperfections. Talk about your mistakes (and what you learned). People won’t be attracted to you if you brand yourself as picture perfect. They’ll connect with you and your brand on a much deeper level if you allow yourself to be you and tell it all.


Have a realistic look at the market you’re entering and ask yourself if you’re really a big fish in a small pond or a small fish getting murdered in a big pond, and then inject yourself into everything you create! Sounds simple, I know. Give yourself some time. Allow yourself room to make some mistakes (or, if you’re like me, then allow yourself A LOT of room to make A LOT of mistakes 🙂 Yes, the technical stuff like sales funnels, building a list and marketing strategies are important, but without a solid foundation and proper positioning in the marketplace you’ll struggle to ever create any traction!


And if you want to dive deeper into 6 powerful strategies (including branding) to help you launch and grow your online coaching business then grab your free download HERE and build the business you deserve!


Your Coach,



[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4InGYQyEgsQ[/embedyt]

Master Facebook Ads with Salome Schillack

salome schillack talking about getting more clients through mastering facebook ads with Lucas Rubix

In this weeks episode of the Coaches Corner Podcast we’re talking to the amazing Salome Schillack, a Facebook ads master who helps you get more clicks and attract more clients with Facebook Ads!


Although Facebook Ads shouldn’t be seen as a ‘quick and easy’ solution to getting more clients, it should be used as an extremely valuable tool to help you reach new audiences and bring them into your sales funnel! (If you don’t have a sales funnel built then make sure you join the 6 Figure Coach Academy… it’s FREE 😉 If you’re just starting your business then jumping straight into Facebook Ads is definitely NOT where you want to start… make sure you have your message dialled in, your sales funnel built and your clear on your offers!


But once you have your back-end in place we can start driving targeting traffic into the top of your funnel and start booking new clients weekly (or daily if we’re aggressive).  #Winning!!!!


Enjoy 🙂




Mastering Facebook Ads Episode Breakdown:


0:51: Meet the wonderful Salome Schillack, the FB Ads Ninja!

2:31: Working with Amy Porterfield and Rick Mulredy

4:51: You just can’t skip the grind (fall in love with where you’re at)

7:21: Where to start with Facebook ads?

10:31: Social Media is for LISTENING to your audience

12:24: The snowball effect when it comes to content marketing

13:40: Retargeting warm audiences!

16:20: Facebook loves VIDEO (and especially engagement!)

19:21: The next steps when running your profitable Ads

24:18: The 360 degree marketing plan idea

26:40: How much should you be spending on FB Ads





Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses.


Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit www.LucasRubix.com and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix


And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!



Building a 10K Plus a Month Coaching Business with Lucas Rubix

Lucas Rubix building a coaching business from scratch

So you’re a coach eh… and a damn good one at that! I’m guessing you want more clients, you’d love to make more money and I’m sure you’d be happy to create a massive amount of momentum within your business? Perfect, I got ya! In this weeks episode I’ll be helping you break that 10K a month mark inside your coaching business!


This episode is going to be very ‘money’ centred… but if we’re shy when it comes to making money within your coaching business then we’re never really going to make the money we want! We’ll be breaking down a 10K a month coaching business, figuring out what we need to make per day to hit our income goals and how we can leverage our time to help more clients while making more money!


Enjoy the Episode and feel free to reach out on Instagram if you have any questions AND grab your seat inside the 6 Figure Coach Academy FOR FREE HERE





10K a Month Coaching Business Episode Breakdown:


2:16: This episodes all about the money baby!

3:41: Breaking down a 10K a month coaching business

5:32: Put your time in the trenches at first!

8:02: Build your coaching business RIGHT the first time (with the proper model)

9:00: Don’t assume you know what your clients need. Research it!

11:42: A little about Facebook Ads and how much to spend!

14:42: You’ll need to make some sacrifices here and there…

16:50: Break down your business and learn your numbers!






Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry… he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping passionate coaches like YOU build, launch and grow their successful coaching businesses.


Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches like YOU create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit www.LucasRubix.com and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix


And if you’re a passionate coach who’s looking for a helping hand in building, launching and growing your coaching business (and attracting all the perfect clients you’ve ever imagined) book your Free Discovery Call HERE and see how Lucas can help you build the coaching business of your dreams!



Finish What You Started – With Lucas Rubix

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Heyyyy what’s going on! Today I’m diving into a simple but possibly one of the most important concepts that I’ve learned over the last 4 years of this whole ‘business’ and ‘life’ thing…. and that is to simply FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED.


Give the video a quick watch and reach out on Instagram if ya got any questions!


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNVcpe0QAk[/embedyt]


Finish What You Started – With Lucas Rubix


I want to challenge you for the next 30 days.


Finish EVERYTHING that you start. Even if it’s not going as planned. Finish it.


Every time we start something and don’t finish it we lose a little respect for ourselves. Quitting on something is failing. Failing on something is winning (in disguise)


The reality is that no one really cares if we’re winning or not. When we quit on something we’re not letting anyone down but ourselves. And after doing it over and over and over we end up losing all respect for ourselves… which leads to low self esteem and zero confidence.


Today that changes.


Finish that business idea you’ve been working on. Finish cleaning the garage or fixing your alternator. Finish that book or blog post you’ve been working on. Finish your commitment to waking up earlier and going to the gym. Just fucking finish what you started…. and next thing you know you’re a winner.


Everything you start you’ll finish… and success will come naturally.


That’s it.


Be a winner.


Your Coach,




PS – Check out the Freebies section and grab your 6 STEPS to SIX FIGURES (for Coaches)