5 simple ways to build your email list!

Alrighty alrighty! A few days ago I launched a poll on instagram asking followers the number one thing they struggle with other than simply ‘needing more clients’… and the results pointed to building an email list! Although building an email list shouldn’t be your only focus (remember my 360 degree marketing plan?) it should absolutely be high on your priority list… as all the content you create should be pointing back to your list building efforts. So in this weeks blog post we’ll be diving into 5 simple ways to help you build your email list… whether you already have a list or are in the process of building one.


Quick note: I won’t be covering the whole ‘lead magnet’ topic as I’ve covered it in tons of videos and posts in the past. If you’d like some free in-depth training on how to put your email building, lead generating client attracting marketing plan in place then join the 60 minute masterclass HERE!



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5 simple ways to help you build your email list!



1) Optimize your website for more opt-ins!

I spend a lot of time checking out coaches websites and pretty much always see the same thing: A website that looks amazing but has absolutly zero functionality… meaning that it’s laid out to look good… but doesn’t persuade visitors to take any sort of action. If that describes your current website then here’s a simple tip: Build your website with one thing in mind – How can I guide visitors to enter their email address for something of incredible value. DO NOT simply have a ‘subscribe to my newsletter here’ button… put some effort into it! Think about what problem can you help your ideal visitors solve and then give it away for FREE!



2) Ask your current email subscribers to share and forward your emails!

So this will obviously only work if you already have a list… but it’s often times ignored. If you do have a list, even if you only have a handful of subscribers, create a value packed email that evokes so much emotion and appreciation that your readers will be buzzing with inspiration after reading. Then simply ASK THEM (you need to ask) to forward the email with 3 people they know could use a helping hand (and don’t forget to have a link in the email to your freebie so new readers can opt-in!) It’s a simple, often times overlooked way to build your email list through referrals!


Quick note: If you’re struggling with coming up with useful content ideas… check out THIS BLOG POST packed with value on how to come up with 100’s of solid content ideas that your people will actually want to consume!



3) Leverage business cards / print material

Yes, it works! I remember starting my first personal training business and collecting every single coaches business card I could so I could make sure mine was better. By then I was quite savvy with online marketing and was amazed at how few coaches leveraged their business cards to build their lists. No one who looks at your business card cares about how amazing you are… they want to know what’s in it for them. Why not create a business card that offers up some tremendous value (either a free consult, % off, free download), stick in a call to action (go to www.yourwebsite.com/amazingoffer) and capture their email info before that useless little card ends up in the trash…



4) Giveaways!

Who doesn’t love an amazing giveaway! Brainstorm a list of things you could giveaway… including a free coaching session, or a program / product you may have, or 5 top books… you get the idea. Promote across your social media channels and have contestants enter their email address… and give double points if they like and share with their friends on social media! You’d be amazed at how fast you can build your email list when you put up an enticing enough free giveaway with teh right message to the right people!



5) Hold a live event!

No no, don’t stress out! You don’t need to speak in-front of 100’s of people and launch a 3 day mega event… start much smaller than that! Host a small , 2 hour free event, invite 15 or 20 people and offer up tremendous value. Or go into a few offices and offer up a lunch-in training session… and make sure you offer up more value in the form of an opt-in to your attendees! Hand out a small workbook or brochure that encourages them to check out your website, your offers and everything else you have to give!


Hope that helps!


Now get out there and build that email list baby!!!!





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[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g8ShtW6VJI[/embedyt]