A Better, Easier, And More Aligned Way To Build A Service Based Online Business.

For those who are tired of The Never Ending High Ticket Grind.

(Please note… I’m not claiming that high ticket is dead. It’s not. I just know there are a lot of people like me who are tired of the never ending high ticket grind. I desired to build a business and life where I could choose to work with high ticket clients if I wanted to… but I set the goal of having 90% of my income to come from a MRR (monthly recurring revenue) model 🙂

Over 1 Year Ago I Shut Down All Our High Ticket Offers...

And took an over $60,000 per month paycut.

EVERYONE thought I was crazy…

…but that’s usually the typical response from small minds who choose to cling to the safety of the known rather than leap into the uncertainty of the new.

Now I’m typically not a quitter… but I did temporarily quit on high ticket coaching. Not because it wasn’t profitable. It was very profitable.

I took a break from high ticket coaching because I no longer felt aligned with it. It didn’t excite me anymore. I was tired of the monthly grind of always having to bring new clients in…

… and so I quit. I left the entrepreneurship space and entered an entirely new space in the crypto / Defi world where I had zero audience, zero authority, and zero social proof (I love me a good challenge).

6 months later and we had a brand new company built (CryptoLabs Research) along with 300 + paying members in our new membership site.

And to be honest… that’s the moment I experienced true freedom as an entrepreneur.

(At first all the email notifications of new sales every hour was awesome… but it did get annoying after the first week lol. Good problems to have I’d say)

I found a better, easier, and more enjoyable business model. I no longer had to...

❌ Go through the never ending rollercoaster of highs and lows every month related to sales. I wanted to shift into a monthly recurring model where I didn’t start each and every month from ZERO.

❌ Be on the never ending grind of sales calls all day (or give up 15% commissions to a sales team). 

❌ Spend time, energy, and effort on followups every week (and the rejection and / or ghosting that comes with it).

❌ Spend 50% or more of my revenue on building a bigger and bigger team to keep up with the growth of my business. I wanted a lean and mean team coupled with high margins (80% or higher).

❌ Rely on just one source of income. I wanted to diversify my income and lower the concentration risks of having 100% of my income created from a handful of 1:1 or group clients.

❌ Convince people to work with me. By having my marketing do all the selling for me, I could get energetically detached from the sales process and let technology do the selling for me.

Once I figured it out, I knew I'd end up teaching others how to do it... I just didn't think it would all happen so fast.

I’ve had at least 50 people reach out over the last month or two asking me if I could teach them how to create, build, and launch a membership business.

At first I said no as I was busy with CryptoLabs, but now that the business is stabilized and takes me around 10 hours a week to run

… well let’s just say I can’t sit still for very long lol.

Over the last 4 months I’ve been working low-key with a handful of 1:1 clients and helping them roll out membership sites. But seeing my time and energy is limited, I figured it was time to launch a brand new offer (and potentially a brand new company) that’s sole focus is on designing, building, and launching membership / MRR (monthly recurring revenue) businesses.

A business where….

✅ The entrepreneur can spend more time doing the things they actually love and less time doing the things they hate

✅ Margins are healthy and we’re able to take a nice chunk of the sales home (as in… in our bank account as profits)

✅ There are no more feast and fathom cycles. A business where we know you’ll have recurring monthly revenue (MRR) coming in even if we take a few weeks off.

✅ Burnout and exhaustion are a long forgotten horror story. I know we entrepreneurs are tough… but seriously, how much more can we take?

✅ A business that becomes more valuable as time goes on (membership models actually become more valuable due to new content you create & member created content being added. It becomes more than just a ‘business’, it becomes an appreciating asset).

And in typical 'Lucas can't sit still for more than 5 minutes' fashion... we've committed to running this 12 week program for anyone who's interested in doing the same.

Lucas... Why Don't You Just Stay Teaching This 1:1?

Great question.

I love working with clients 1:1, not because I have to but because I love to. Having a business where 90% of our revenue comes from memberships or low ticket offers allows me to pick and choose who, how, and when I work with someone one one one, and I’ll most likely always be involved with it in some way shape or form. 

There are really only 3 main issues with it.

1) I only want to work with 3 to 4 one on one clients at a time.

2) The price tag of $18,000+ for 3 months is out of reach for many.

3) I’m limited to the amount of impact I can create (and that’s ultimately what drives me anyways).

I’m in a very interested position in my life where I have more time than I know what to do with…

… which for a guy like me can be a very dangerous place to be. I become easily lured in by shiny object syndrome.

So I figured I may as well put my newfound time into building something that will create a real Impact for those ready to escape the ‘old fashion way’ of building their business and try something new.

(Maybe you want to add a membership model to your current business… or maybe you want to start from scratch and build something new. Either way, we gotchu)


Why Memberships?

I know of no better feeling as an Online Entrepreneur than waking up to 4 or 5 new sales before even opening my laptop… or the knowing that we’re never starting a new month at ZERO.

Most people get memberships wrong (as I did at first) because they apply the same marketing, sales, and delivery strategies that may sometimes work for High Ticket sales… but memberships are a whole different game.

Memberships are all about automating the sales and onboarding process so you can focus on the only two things that matter: Member experience (aka retention) and member referrals (aka organically growing your membership site).

Our first goal is to get you your first 25 to 100 paying members… and then build out the membership growth systems to allow your business to thrive.

This may sound extreme but I feel like discovering the Membership Model saved me from walking away from Entrepreneurship. 

What Will We Be Learning?

There are two ways to look at how we’ll be running the first and only run of Million Dollar Memberships. The first is a set curriculum we’ve created for you (we’ll talk about that in a moment), and the second is a live coaching experience where we’ll be adding content, training, and step by step walk throughs as needed. We’ve opened our calendars up for the entire 12 weeks and will be fully available to serve you and help you through the process so nothing is missed 🙂

That said, our curriculum is broken down into 3 main parts (roughly one month each)

  1. Building Your Membership:
    👉 Understanding and choosing from the 5 different types of membership businesses you can build.
    👉 Getting the tech out the way (there are tons of membership platforms you can build on and it’s easier than most think)
    👉 Creating your membership offer and value stack
    👉 Positioning your membership offer (entering a blue ocean)
    👉 Pricing your membership offer (there are 4 ways to do this)
    👉 Differentiating your membership offer and creating a blue ocean (we’ll spend an entire week on this as it’s vital)
    👉 Creating your value ladder and positioning your membership offer within your value ladder (if you still plan on offering higher ticket programs and up-serves)
    👉 Creating a transition plan (if you choose to transition your business and clients into a new membership model)

  2. Launching Your Membership:
    👉 Building out your automated sales machine and assets (NO MORE SALES CALLS!)
    👉 Templates and resources pulled from our database of assets we use in our marketing and automated sales process
    👉 Executing on your membership launch plans and blueprints
    👉 Launching a Beta or Early Bird special
    👉 Automating the client acquisition and onboarding experience
    👉 Ensuring you have a well built and well communicated value ladder in place (if you choose to have up-serves or continuation programs in place)

  3. Growing Your Membership:
    👉 Installing backend client management systems into your membership (free software is available)
    👉 7 ways to decrease churn and improve member retention (so you can do less ‘sales’ and ‘marketing’)
    👉 Automations to make running your membership much easier
    👉 Installing a referral system into your membership so it grows on it’s own (hyper-growth referral system)
    👉 Failed Payment / automated payment recouping software
    👉 CRM and active member management processes

We won't be confined to just these topics. I'm an open book, so anything you want me to share from inside CryptoLabs or Monetize It I'm happy to share it with you 🙂

How Much Can I Charge?

There are 5 ways to price a membership… it all just really depends on how much value you want to create. Memberships can range from $47 a month to $1200 a month or more (for a hybrid membership).

We’ve successfully sold memberships from $97, $333, and $888 a month with no problems.

Don’t worry, we’ll help build your offer and price your membership. The great part is that pricing is the easy part once we’re clear on the value that we’ll be delivering.

How Much Does It Cost?

The full price for MDM is $5000 (prices will be going up to $7500 soon tho)

Remember this will be a small group, so you’ll have the perk of joining us at a discounted price while getting a ton of 1:1 time with us 🙂

Final Note:

What excites me most about a Membership Model business is that it becomes an appreciating asset. The longer you run a membership site… the more valuable it becomes due to the addition of new content YOU create and the addition of new content your members create.

A Membership business also grows with you… so as you evolve and find new passions and interests, your membership site and the topics you cover/teach can evolve with you.

Again, I’m not saying Memberships are the ‘only’ way… but I am convinced that everyone should be actively building a membership offer as the core of their business 🙂

What's The Next Step?

We’ve officially opened the doors for round TWO of MDM. If you’d love to join us in building and launching a monthly membership offer… Fill out an application and we’ll ensure it’s a perfect fit for you. We’ll reach back out to you within 24-48 hours with the next steps (plus answer any questions you may have)