How 5% of coaches are crushing it… and why 95% of coaches fail!

Welcome back to the Coaches Corner weekly blog post! This weeks post (along with the free training video) may be one of the most important posts I’ve ever written… so make sure you listen closely if you’re ready to give your business a massive boost! Today we’re diving into the nitty gritty of how 5% of coaches are literally killing it every single day (as in they have more clients than they know what to do with) and why the other 95% of coaches fail.


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So just what do the 5% of successful coaches know that the 95% don’t….


It’s not so much a matter of what the 5% of successful coaches know that’s the difference… the real difference comes down to two things:


  1. The amount of effective action they take
  2. They have an actual strategy (that I’m laying out for you in this post)


So, for starters, I like to break things down into four categories when it comes to starting / running or growing your coaching business.


  1. Getting Attention

  2. Steady stream of Leads

  3. Having Conversations

  4. Booking Clients


So when a coach comes to me asking me for help / advice on what they should be doing to get more clients I’ll ask simple questions:


#1) Are you getting attention?


There are literally thousands of ways you can be getting attention these days… so there’s really no excuse not to be going all in. From posting quality content on social media, creating videos for YouTube or (my favorite and most predictable / targeted way) running well planned advertising campaigns (dirt cheap these days and highly predictable). Just make sure you focus your time and attention on NO MORE than 2 or 3 channels at a time… or you’ll end up overwhelming yourself and the overall quality of your content will be compromised!


Look, the bottom line is this: If no one knows about you, your story, your message and your services than no one will ever buy from you no matter how good you are! If your business is struggling right now than have a serious look at whether or not you’re getting attention or not!


Once you’re getting the attention you and your brand deserves….. ask yourself:



#2) Are you getting leads daily (aka filling the pipeline)


If you’re getting attention then you’re well on your way to turning a certain percentage of that attention into LEADS. One of my favorite ways (as it’ll help automate your business) is in the form of building an email list.

QUICK NOTE: Email marketing is just one of the many marketing techniques you should be using inside your business. I talk about the idea of a 360-degree marketing plan inside the FREE MASTERCLASS. You can join the class HERE)

In essence, you’re creating a problem solving free giveaway and offering it to your people / followers / fans / in exchange for an email or some form of contact info.

And boom. Just like that you’ve successfully accomplished step two.

ANOTHER QUICK NOTE: Paid advertising is one of the BEST WAYS to consistently get leads on autopilot. Facebook is still the #1 ads platform due to their extremely powerful and accurate information they have on their users… allowing you to place the right message in-front of the right people at the exact right time!



#3) Time for Conversations!


Now it’s time for the fun stuff… coaching! A certain number of those leads will want to take the next step… and one of the best ways to really build an intimate relationship is to have a value packed and life changing conversation. You could, for example, let email subscribers and qualified leads apply for a free strategy call / breakthrough sessions / coaching call where you literally help them with their problems with just as much energy and passion as you would your paying clients…


Although it’s important to have a loose structure in place for your calls… seriously drop the script! Times have changed… and if you’re intention is to build trust and a life long relationship then the last thing you want to do is break that trust my ‘selling’ through a script.


Simply listen, help, and lead.. and if you offer enough value then you simply present coaching options and ASK (You must ask). Which leads us into…



#4) A number of those conversations will turn to paying clients…


Without you needing to SELL or be PUSHY. When you shift your focus and intention to serving and helping as many people as you possibly can… a funny thing happens… you end up with a growing business.


Quick note. I’m all about automating as much (if not your entire) marketing funnel so you’re not spending hours upon hours ‘marketing’ a day. Also, you’ll need to pre-qualify potential leads into having a conversation with you so you’re not spending all your time on calls with people who are ZERO qualified to work with you. I know as coaches we have a deep desire to help everyone we can, but you also need to protect your energy and keep your own cup full.


Simply asking a question in the application form about whether or not your prospect has the ability to financially commit if it’s right for them could be a simple way to pre-qualify leads. We can go ahead and create a win-win situation by creating some free training and over delivering with content so you end up helping everyone – even those who may not be able to afford you or who simply aren’t ready to buy from you!


So there you go, you now know what the 5% of coaches who are crushing it know. They’ve  created an automated system that gets attention, attracts leads and turns those leads into conversations. The 95% of coaches who are struggling are still relying on posting to social media and hoping (fingers crossed) that someone DMS them or goes to their website to book or buy a package…



But just knowing this stuff doesn’t automatically move you into the 5% group does it. ONLY TAKING ACTION WILL! If you really want to dive in DEEP into 60 minutes of free training that covers these 3 steps AND MORE then make sure to join the NO BS masterclass HERE… it may just be the breakthrough you and your business are looking for!




Lucas rubix is the coaches coach, committed to helping coaches build an online coaching business they love

Lucas Rubix is the intense looking bearded dude (don’t worry…  he’s actually harmless) behind the Coaches Corner, a corner of the internet completely committed to helping coaches build, launch and grow their successful coaching business. Having built multiple coaching businesses (both offline and online) in a wide variety of niches, his primary focus these days (when he’s not interviewing top coaches, influencers and celebrities on the Coaches Corner podcast) is helping coaches create a business that predictably generates leads, attracts new clients and, most of all, creates true freedom from the treacherous 9-5.


Visit and get full access into the 6 Figure Coach Academy, listen to a few episodes of the Coaches corner podcast while you’re at it and feel free to connect with him on Instagram @LucasRubix




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See ya inside coach!

