How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps

What’s up Coach! It’s a new week and a new blog post (plus an in-depth video HERE) to go along with it! This week we’re talking about How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps so you can finally, once and for all, know who you’re talking to, speak their language, knows their pains, solve their issues and build a booming coaching business because of it!


PS – I create videos based on the questions and feedback I get asked off of Instagram. Would you love to get some burning questions about building your coaching business of yours answered? Hit me up on Instagram!



How to Create Your Client Avatar in 4 Simple Steps:


So I’m breaking things down into 4 simple steps that won’t do absolutely ANYTHING for you if you don’t take action on them today. Even if you think you know your client avatar like the back of your hand I still recommend you try jotting down some notes… cuz hey… you can always learn something new! (I do client avatar work a few times a year and review them weekly so my message stays on point)


One last final note: I highly suggest you jot down your answers on individual post-its or 3×5 cards so you can shuffle and re-arange in order of importance to use later when crafting headlines, emails content and sales pages!


So without further a due, here we go!



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  • What do they want more than anything else?


  • What are  their dreams and desires?


  • What’s that one big wish that they’d give up almost anything to have granted?


Answering these questions in detail is important for not only creating solutions (aka products / programs) for your ideal clients but for painting the picture about what life could be like if they’d only take the leap of faith with you! (aka work with you!)





  • What do they fear the most?


  • What makes their stomach go into gut wrenching knots?


  • What do they stay up all night worrying about?


Answering these fear based questions will help you speak to their fears (not in a manipulative way) so you can influence them to take some sort of action, whether that’s to hit the nice big juicy buy now button or some CTA on your content / posts!





  • What are their biggest pain points? Write down a long list!


  • What challenges are they facing RIGHT NOW that are keeping them from getting what they want?


  • What internal blocks are they facing?


  • What external blocks are they facing?


Knowing both your ideal clients pain points and challenges is important in speaking directly towards them and getting an emotional response (because, at the end of the day, people buy based on emotion and not logic).




  • What are all the possible reasons they may not buy from you?


  • Why haven’t they done something about their problem  it already? (or did they try but failed… which would be a a possible objection to what you have to offer)


Here’s where anxiety reducing testimonials really come in handy! If you don’t have any then don’t worry – for now you could creating an awesome FAQ section that handles all possible objections… and as you slowly start focusing on capturing testimonials you can highlight key points is they serve to help reduce buyer resistance and handle their objections to working with you!



So there ya have it! Make sure you watch the full 6 minute video on the New and Official Youtube Channel HERE to dive even further into creating your client avatar in 4 simple steps!


Any questions you may have don’t hesitate to reach out on Instagram or Facebook or learn more on the offical blog HERE


Chat next week,





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