Results ARE your credentials – With LucasRubix

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I get it… you’ve got no experience, no testimonials and ‘no social proof”… and you’re terrified of starting your business because you feel people won’t take you seriously. Just remember that results are your credentials. My simple advice: Everyone Starts Somewhere. So just start. Let me help you take care of some of that fear with the video below AND Download the 6 Steps to Successfully Market and Build Your Dream Business!




Results ARE your credentials


So I need you to understand that you don’t need a PhD to start a coaching business (or any business)… and you need to focus on is delivering results. Results are your credentials… no amount of schooling or certificates will help you if you can’t deliver results!


I’m gonna challenge you a little here… I hope you’re up for it! Look. Everyone starts somewhere. You have to start to get your first sale, your first customer or your first client. So here’s the challenge:


If you have little to no experience but you know what you’re doing – grab 3 or 4 people who really need your help and HELP THEM. Don’t worry about how much to charge. Don’t worry about making any money. Focus ONLY on getting results.


If you’re a coach of some sort then work with them and treat them as VIP clients for 2 months. Test what you’re made of and deliver results… and you’ll easily get some amazing testimonials to sprinkle on your website.


If you’re selling a product then give it away (or lend it out) and make sure it delivers results or does what you say it does. Then get some video testimonials about how amazing the product is.


Also, start having conversations about what you’re doing with everyone! Help anyone who needs help. Post some blog posts and videos about it online. Become that go to guy so people know you’re serious, committed and passionate about your craft / product / industry.


I can guarantee you that in 3 months time you’re confidence in yourself and the results you’re able to deliver will sky rocket and you’ll be able to take your business to the next level.


Now go help some people would ya.


Your Coach,



PS – Got questions for me? Reach out on the new INSTAGRAM PAGE and level up!